Please vote to re-elect Sheriff Lou Falco!

Please vote to re-elect Sheriff Lou Falco!

Sheriff Falco has done a tremendous job trimming expenses through cutting overtime at the jail. He has widespread support of his officers and law enforcement across the County. It’s no surprise that the only group that doesn’t support the Sheriff is the union whose members lost their overtime. Sheriff Falco has decades of experience in the Sheriff’s department having come up through the ranks. Longtime Republican Sheriff James Kralik crossed party lines and supported Falco’s election as Sheriff. Last year’s effort by County Executive Day to undercut the Sheriff by commissioning a private review of the Sheriff’s Department backfired when Day’s own consultant found great value in the Sheriff’s patrol. There is no comparison between Falco’s credentials and those of his opponent.

Please Vote to re-elect Sheriff Lou Falco

Posted on 2 Nov 2015, 23:26 - Category: In the News

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